Wednesday, November 7, 2012

UPDATE - Getting rid of the bottle

A drinking milk from a glass.

I wrote a post a few weeks ago about getting rid of the bottle. You can read it here. I thought it was time I gave an update. All the bottles and sippy cups have been packed up. They are now in a box located in our shed at our block of land, which is approximately 24.2 km or a 25 minute drive away.

The first week was the hardest. G put up a fight, she started drinking out of the small milk cartons I gave her, but she must have suspected it was linked to the lack of bottles, so she gave up drinking from the cartons as well. So for the first two weeks there was no drinking of milk.

Magically on the third week G realised there would be no more bottles. She finally stopped playing or ignoring her glass of milk, picked it up and drank from the glass. I always knew she was capable, it was a matter of choice. Once I took the options way she showed that she could and would drink milk from a glass.

I have however just jumped ahead. There were other things I did as well. As I stated in my previous post, our dinner time, bath time, outside play time, bedtime reading and going to bed is all changed. Here's what happened.
Previous Rhythm
Current Rhythm
Wake Up
Wake up
Dressed/Brush teeth
Bath/Shower time
Outside play/outing
Inside Play/Outing
Inside play
Activity (baking, drawing, painting,)
Activity (Baking, drawing, painting)
TV (30 minutes)
TV (30 minutes)
Outside Play/walk/ Dinner Prep
Bath ti
Wash face, hands, brush teeth and get ready for bed

The most important change was moving bath time from the evening to the morning. The second important change was changing outside play from the morning to the afternoon. I changed outside play to the afternoon as it is getting hotter here and the yard is bathed in sun in the morning. In the afternoon it tends to be cooler and there is more shaded cover.

The rhythms above are fluid, most days are like this, but not always. Some days we have commitments and activities that require us to leave the house.  A & G enjoy these outing, but I try to ensure we don't cram it all in the same day or successive days.


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