Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Learning Tower

The learning tower arrived! Life has been slightly easier than it was prior to the arrival of the tower. In a previous post I wrote about the Funpod, which has been great, but only fits one child. The Learning tower definitely fits two children, however I am glad that I made the decision to purchase the learning tower in addition to the Funpod.
So you may be wondering about how much room the Funpod and the Tower take up in our kitchen. Our kitchen is U shape and I currently have the Funpod at the end of the kitchen bench and the tower on the other side. This works very well for us, as I am close to both girls and we can interact with each other very well. We have used both the Funpod at the Learning Tower every day and several times a day since it arrived. Prior to the arrival of the Learning Tower we used the Funpod several times a day, but the girls had to take turns. Now they both can stand at the big bench at the same time.
I haven't taken the opportunity to take pictures of the girls in their respective towers, but I will make a conscious effort over the next few days and I will post some pictures.
We purchased our Learning Tower from Montessori Child and our preloved Funpod via Ebay.


  1. Cool! It would be a nice gift for my twin nephews. Their birthday is coming up.
    gold coast montessori

    1. Hi Drew. Thanks for stopping by. In one of my previous posts I have a link to another site about The Learning Tower used by twins... here is the link
