Friday, November 2, 2012

BOOK: Playmates by Jane Tanner

"At about a year and a half, the child discovers another fact,
and that is that each thing has its own name.
This show that..... s/he has been able to single out the nouns, and especially the concrete nouns."
 The Absorbent Mind, Maria Montessori

New to our bookshelf is this book, Playmates by Jane Tanner. Every once in a while I come across a book which finds a special place in my heart and this is one such book. This book is written and illustrated by Jane Tanner. The pictures are breathtakingly real and so beautiful.

Thankfully my children adore this book as much as I do.  At 16 months they are undergoing a explosion of words. A in particular shows a keen interest in the naming of things.

This book has proven to be one of THE books that I use to name things. We often read this book and I point at the items on the page and name them. Chair, Chair. Shoe, Shoe. Teddy, Teddy. Bubbles, Bubbles.

A and G like to point at the Dog and say Gog, or Daag, Daag. Sometimes they point and then bark. Well it's more like a very load AH!, AH!, AH!

On the rare occasion when I say chair A or G has run to their cube chairs and sat down. The first time this occurred I was bewildered thinking perhaps they didn't want me to read to them, so I stopped reading. They came running back, picked up the book and gave it to me. Now I follow them and say, "that is correct, Chair."

This is a beautiful book, if you don't own it already I highly recommend adding it to your child's library.  Here is a link to Jane Tanner's website. She has written and illustrated other books I plan on adding to our library, in particular Love from Grandma. Yes, indeed I am a fan. Thank you Jane Tanner for your beautiful books.

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