Tuesday, February 26, 2013

BOOKs: Based in reality


Within Montessori, children's books based on reality, rather than fantasy are seen as the most approriate for children.  Here are three books we have that are based on reality, with accompanying photography featuring children at work and play.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Wash Day and Pegs

"Young children take possession of the world with their hands."

Maria Montessori


Wash day at our house is every second day. I enjoy doing laundry. Crazy I know. I enjoy seeing the dirty clothing disappear as it is washed and taken outside to dry on the line. I generally load my washing machine first thing in the morning and by mid morning A & G join me in the back yard.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A step stool to reach the sink

This weekend we went to Ikea to buy a side bench for dad-dad's office. I dislike visiting Ikea on the weekends. It is so busy. The car park is full, lots of people, some on a mission, most content to stroll slowly around the store. We went incognito, but this I mean we took the Phil and Ted pram instead of the side by side Mountain Buggy (due to a unexpected flat tire.) G, wanted to walk, so dad-dad had the pram and A, and I had G.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hello 2013

It has been many weeks since my last posting. 2013 is proving to be a very busy year. I start this year with many ideas and plans. The first step is to get our house built, still a work in progress.  Later this year applications opens for A and G’s name to go the local community kindergarten. Unfortunately there is a huge demand and only limited spaces. The community kindergarten nearest to our new home has a vegetable garden and chickens, water play space and mud kitchen. Does this sound like a child’s paradise to you?