Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Montessori sites I love

After the 2011 Christmas/New Year break I actively started researching the internet for information on baby proofing, weaning and crawling. What spurred this hub of activity? The girls had just turned 6 months and A loved food, she would watch anyone eating and took to eating mushing solids like a duck to water. G on the other hand did not want anything to do with food. I feel we may have pushed the solids on G and in reflections she just wasn't ready for it. G on the other hand showed signs of crawling at 6 months, she was up on her hands and knees rocking back and forward and sure enough at 6 months and 1 week she was off. A on the other hand showed no signs of wanting to roll.

The challenge of twins is you always have another baby, for want of a better word to compare too. One rolls the other doesn't - there must be something wrong, one eats the other doesn't - there must be something wrong, one crawls one doesn't - there must be something wrong. See the theme here?

As a mother I have to constantly remind myself to take a deep breath and be in the moments, because they fly by so fast. So how do you do that with two babies, so I searched and searched and came across two wonderful sites

How we Montessori - Australian based (Canberra) please note Kylie is not a twin mum, but her site is rich in information and links to resources. I've found her site to be invaluable.

Montessori on the Double - Stephanie is a twin mum and never ceases to amaze me with what she has achieved with her two little ones.

Wow what a discovery, and I've been hooked ever since. I won't reinvent the wheel by rewriting what has already been written, but if you are interested in finding out a different way/lifestyle/option for weaning, bedrooms for infants and much, much more head over to Kylie's site at How we Montessori and  Montessori on the Double.


  1. Hi Kelly, I'm so glad you found me! I'm enjoying reading your blog and I think it's amazing that we are connecting halfway around the world through raising twins the Montessori way. Please keep up your blog and we will keep in touch! I love how you mentioned one of your twins crawled at six months and the other at 8. That is exactly what happened with us! But the one who crawled later now has better gross motor skills overall, so you never know!
    Best to you,
    Stephanie Woo
    Montessori on the Double

    1. Hi Stephanie, I was reading a few Montessori sites, but wanted to know if it was possible with twins and if anyone was parenting their multiples under the age of 3 the Montessori way. I was so excited when I found your site. Your twins are older than mine, so I often referred back to your earlier posts. Thank you so much for sharing.

      I read your post on cleaning windows. Love it. I'll be starting my girls on this practical life activity as soon as possible. They sure love to kiss the windows, so they will have plenty of windows to clean.
