"Young children take possession of the world with their hands."
Maria Montessori
Wash day at our house is every second day. I enjoy doing laundry. Crazy I know. I enjoy seeing the dirty clothing disappear as it is washed and taken outside to dry on the line. I generally load my washing machine first thing in the morning and by mid morning A & G join me in the back yard.
At 19 months A and G like to help on wash day. They push the laundry cart and basket to the clothes line and help pass pegs to me has I hang the laundry on the line.
According to A & G we did not own enough pegs. After much discussion and to keep the peace I purchased two peg baskets and two packets of pegs. A basket of pegs for each of the girls. The peg baskets are identical to the one I have and cost $1.50 each. The pegs were a few extra dollars.
One of the activities on our shelf at the moment is a metal bucket and pegs. A and G have access to this activity whenever they want to practise using a peg.
Prior to placing the bucket and peg activity on their shelf we had pegs available for the girls to explore. Both A and G are fasinated by pegs. What's not to like. From their point of view the pegs come in lots of pretty colours and they have observed me using pegs on a regular based. Obviously a highly prized and usefully tool.
On my woodworking project list for 2013 is a child size clothes line.
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