Within Montessori, children's books based on reality, rather than fantasy are seen as the most approriate for children. Here are three books we have that are based on reality, with accompanying photography featuring children at work and play.
I love each of these books. The above book, "Sticks" is currently THE most favorite book at the moment. It has surpassed Playmates by Jane Tanner, see my review here. I read Sticks, three to four times, before bed. It's not a wordy book, but even I as an adult see the beauty and wonder on each page. My two wee people also like to say the word "sticks"as I read this book.
We also have "Leaves," we read this book as well. I'm not sure why, but for some reason it is not as popular as Sticks.
There are two other books in the series, Stones and Snow. I would like to add Stones to our library. G likes stones, she collects many, many stones on our walks.
Snow wouldn't make sense to my children. We live in Brisbane. The climate is too warm for snow :-) Maybe one day in the future we will go on an adventure where is it cold enough for snow........
We also have Hands Can by Cheryl Willis Hudson. We have been reading this book on rotation for many months. Both A and G, know each page intimately. Initially they started with hand actions, wave hello, play peekaboo, reach up high and low with their arms/hands, hug to say I love you and clap hands. Now they are verbal, they say accompanying words, wave and say "hello" or "bye bye," say "I love you" when hugging, shout peekaboo, and sing, "la la la la lah." We started reading this book at 8 months and I still see years of reading within its pages. Stephanie at Montessori on the Double posted a review some months ago and you can read it here.
I am looking to expand our library to include more books like these. If you have any recommendation l would love to read it in your comments.
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